Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy

1. Introduction

Kube Rigging is committed to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking within its operations and supply chains. This policy outlines our commitment to complying with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and ensuring transparency in all aspects of our business.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and partners associated with Kube Rigging. Our supply chain includes all suppliers of goods and services, both within and outside the UK and EU.

3. Due Diligence Processes

As part of our due diligence processes, the supplier approval process will incorporate a comprehensive review of the controls undertaken by the supplier to prevent slavery and human trafficking. Special attention will be given to imported goods from sources outside the UK and EU, as they may be at a higher risk.

4. Non-Support for Unethical Practices

Kube Rigging will not support or engage in any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking. We are committed to maintaining high ethical standards in all our business activities.

5. Responsibility and Resources

The company Directors and senior management bear the responsibility for implementing this policy. They will provide adequate resources, including training and investment, to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within our organization and supply chains.

6. Accessibility of Information

A full copy of this policy and the Modern Slavery Act 2015 will be accessible to all employees electronically. Copies can also be obtained from the HR department upon request.

7. Annual Review

This policy statement will be reviewed annually and published to ensure its continued effectiveness and relevance.

8. Integration with Management System

This Policy aligns with our Integrated Management System, compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004. The implementation and operation of this management system underline our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.

9. Procedures and Disciplinary Actions

Formal procedures have been established to address slavery and human trafficking issues, including disciplinary actions in the event of breaches. These procedures ensure that the policy is clearly understood and communicated at all levels of the company.


Kube Rigging is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct, and this Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy reflects our commitment to preventing and eliminating these heinous practices.